Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I forgot to mention a new blog that I stumbled upon. I have been doing Weight Watchers for a while now and have noticed lately that I am just not excited about it anymore. I have been eating the same things and you know how quickly that gets old. So I found this blog with awesome WW recipes....Bon Appetite!

I Did It!

I did it...I completed my very first 5K! And let me tell you it was a lot harder than I looking back at the "training" I was doing to get ready for it I was going about it all wrong. I primarily did all my running on either the treadmill or the indoor track at our YMCA. Well for those of you that run you know how totally different that is than actually getting outside and running. So it was a lot harder and a lot more tiring than I expected but I still managed to finish, which was my goal all along! A little past the first mile I had to stop and tie my shoe because of course I was too amped up before hand and forgot to double knot! I also managed to forget to wrap my knee which has been giving me problems lately. So coming up on mile 2 it was really starting to hurt and I was starting to question whether or not I could finish when I came over a small hill and what do I see....none other than my sweet Hubs and daughter. I would have never expected them to pop up somehwere in the middle of the race but seeing them cheering me on made me want to cry! And it gave me exactly what I needed to finish! So aside from walking up the second half of a monster hill right at the end of the race I was happy that I was able to run the whole thing! So the biggest thank you ever to my amazing husband and daughter for being my cheering section....couldn't have done it without you! The Kid managed to snap a picture of my friend and I before we started so I will make sure to post soon along with pics of my sweet girl playing in the rain on Monday!
And my running buddy and I have decided that we are going to tackle a 10K in the fall....I've officially been bitten by the running bug!
Hope everyone had a fun and safe Memorial Day!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Channeling my inner Forrest Gump

So this Saturday I am doing my first 5K. When I started working out, I mean really consistently working out, last fall I had to give myself some sort of goal to work towards. I have always secretly been an admirer of runners...the way they look when they're running, seeing them cross the finish line, the whole thing, it all just gives me goose bumps! So I thought, I will work towards running a 5K. Easy enough or so I thought....I could not have been more wrong. I was not in great shape by any means, but I could not believe how difficult it was to even run one lap around the track. Well the time has come and I could not be more ready or more excited. I can already smell the morning air and feel the excitement. I cannot freakin' wait!!! My whole goal is to simply finish....and to run the entire time, I mean I am certainly not going to be breaking any records here. And maybe seeing how this goes I might shoot for something bigger and better in the fall!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Four Square Funnies!

Every day when I pick up The Kid from school I always ask her about her day....what did you do, what did you learn, anything interesting happen, etc...etc...... She usually replies that her day was good, learned some things, and then proceeds to fill me in on all of the drama that accompanies the lives of 3rd graders. It is just unreal!! Yesterday the big drama of the day came on the Four Square court. Do you remember that was one of my favorites to play during recess ;)
Well yesterday her teacher took them outside to play Four Square during the morning recess and her teacher got to be in the first square, or Ace as The Kid says it now called. She then proceeded to, in her very dramatic and slightly whiny voice, tell me how even when she got her teacher "out" she didn't leave and stayed in the first square..... "Mom that's just not fair, she is not even following the rules...what kind of example is she setting for us kids,huh?" I mean really how does one respond to that, she did after all have a valid point. I told her when she got to be the teacher she could do what she wanted to too.
I get absolutely the best stories from her....never ceases to make me giggle. Sure wish I got recess as an adult!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mad & sad all thanks to

I am not happy.....
I was with The Kid last night at gymnastics and as I have every Tuesday night this season I recorded Biggest Loser and then Wednesday night she and I watch it. I am always very careful what I read on Wednesdays as to not give away what happened. As part of my morning routine I always check to see the latest goings on with the celebs (I love it what can I say?!?!). So I go on there this morning and see the headline:
Nothing about Spoiler Alert...just that big bold headline. I was so I have to watch the show tonight know the whole time what the outcome is.

On a side note, another article was talking about Jon & Kate Plus 8 and all of their struggles lately. It all makes me so sad. While I have not always been Kate's biggest fan (I think that way she talks to Jon on the show is a TOTALLY inappropriate way for one to talk to their spouse) I am really hoping they can pull it together, especially since there are children involved. It seems as though being in the public spotlight like that is not all it's cracked up to be.

PS..Stumbled on a great new blog (new for me anyways!) and she has a this great giveaway going on for a free 16x20 print from UPrinting for a picture of your choice. Great idea!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Little bit of this...Little bit of that

So I am a few days behind in my Biggest Loser recap but here goes...I was so proud of all of them for finishing a marathon. I have not been Ron and Mike's biggest fan lately but could not help but to ball like a baby when Ron crossed that finish line...I mean come on!! I am so sad that next week is the finale.
While doing some online shopping I found this little gem that I heard calling out to me "Take me home"...but alas my will power prevailed and I didn't buy it.
My husband simply does not get why women's clothing and accessories cost so much (at least he thinks it's a lot) I couldn't figure out how to explain spending close to $100 on a clutch. Let's be honest he wouldn't even know what a clutch is!!