Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thursday night hubs and I are going to dinner with his boss and coworkers and their spouses. I am on a mission over the next 2 days to find the perfect outfit. Every time we have something big like this I always get stressed out about wearing the perfect thing. I don't want to look to conservative (old and frumpy) but then again I don't want to look like a little hoochie! I seriously stress myself way to out out over shit like this :)
Last night The Kid and I went on walk (well she rode her bike) for a little over an hour. It was such a beautiful night and was just nice to get out of the house. We attempted to feed ducks but couldn't find any and had a short visit with my father-in-law where he refreshed her with an ice cream bar. Such a quintessential summer evening!

Monday, July 27, 2009

2 steps forward...1 step back

I cannot say enough how unmotivated I have been lately with eating right and working out. Over the last 2 weeks I have seriously let it all slack and as I stepped on the scale this morning my suspicions had been confirmed...I have managed to gain 5 pounds....eeeeekkkkk! So today I am trying to motivate myself to get back in the routine of eating properly and working out regularly. I tend to go so hardcore with things that I get burned out quickly which is what I think happened. AND I have a 10K coming up in 3 short months that I will completly flop at if I don't get started on some training, these days I feel like I might pass out trying to run down the block! And then a few short months after that we are going on vacation with my best friend and her hubs...and I for sure am not looking forward to being in a bathing suit next to her :)
So with that being said today I have got to channel some inner strength and find some motivation to get going!

Friday, July 24, 2009

I don't like....

Victoria Beckham. I mean why does the woman never smile?You are married to an absolutely gorgeous man, you have sweet kids, your wardrobe is (almost) always rockin'....why are you so bitter?
I would seriously fall out if I ever saw the woman crack a smile :)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Help a sista out!

Hubs and I have started planning for our NYE vacation. We are so excited to be going away with our close friends which is going to make it even better. Our only requirements: someplace warm and someplace with not a lot (or no) kids. No offense to anyone, but I'm leaving my sweet pea at home so I don't want to be around anyone else's!! :)

So if anyone has recommendations lemme have em'!!!