Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fun Fun Fun

Check out this fun blog and her great idea for a giveaway:

This is one of my favorite blogs....I'm sure you'll love it too!!

This way or that?

I am officially on the count down...I have 3 days left of work before I get 1 wonderful well deserved week off! I cannot wait, I'm pretty sure the rest of the week is going to go by at a snail's pace. I am thinking about redoing The Kid's room. She got some super cute new bedding for Christmas (ok ok... it was the Christmas of 2007, I not on the ball with this I know!) so now I want to repaint her room to match. When we first moved in to our house I painstakingly spent 3 days painting polka-dots on her walls and I am sad to see those go, which is maybe why I have procrastinated so long. Anyways, I am trading dots for stripes. I can't decide on whether to do vertical or horizontal, any suggestions? Here is my one inspiration so far:

Monday, February 23, 2009


I have never really bought into the whole New Years resolution thing...I usually end up breaking them by the end of the week anyways. I have for some reason decided to set some goals for myself this year and see how far I get in accomplishing them. My biggest one, like lots of people, is to loose some weight. I want to be in shape. I have decided that I am too young to be out of shape and not happy with how I look. So, a friend and I have decided to run a 5K at the end of May. To most people that may not sound like a lot (hell, my coworker's husband runs that every morning!!) but for someone who has never ran a day in her life that's huge! So to prep for this milestone I have started running. I want to like it, I really do...I am hoping the warm fuzzies for running come soon. I definitely feel empowered after I run...all 2 minutes of it.
As phase 2 of my weight loss journey I have decided to start following Weight Watchers, and since I am doing it that means my darling husband has to too. Don't you like how that works?!?! Stay tuned for updates.....

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Kid is 9 going on 19...I'm pretty sure one of us is not going to survive her teenage years, it is yet to be determined who. I have always been so proud of the fact that she is so smart, quick witted like her dad, beautiful, and a sweet caring little girl. Where on earth did this attitude come from...not my sweet baby?!?! Every day it seems I catch a glimpse of it, and if it is any indication of what lies in store for us when she gets to be a teenager we are in seriouse trouble!

Working for the weekend

I am glad it is finally Friday and in a short time the weekend will be here! I am going to get a handle, finally, on this blogging thing...had some great advice as how to jazz up my blog. I struggled with it all day, enlisted the help of my coworkers, and finally have a different background. It only took 8 hours...are you impressed?!?! I am glad to be spending an evening at home with my dear hubby and daughter. We just got our DirectTV hooked up today so I'm excited to get my DVR set up...wouldn't want to miss any of my shows!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Learning Curve

So I spent quite a bit of time today trying to "customize" my blog....did you notice that it still looks the same?!?! I have blog envy of those who have beautiful backgrounds and pictures, and how on earth do I put a button on my sidebar (English please!!) Needless to say I am going to have to put in some time this weekend getting a handle on this thing.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So we have spent a lot of time this week working on different projects that CeCe has for school. Most recently was her President Project...she chose Jimmy Carter. It is turning out to be a great way for her to learn about past Presidents. Did you know that he was the first President to be born in a hospital?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Here goes nothing......

Seeing my friends and family with their blogs I have decided to join the band wagon and start a blog about the daily events in the Schumacher household, however big or small they may be! So here goes nothing......