Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Knockin' on Wood

Let me start off by saying that I am not writing about this because it has happened but I overheard part of a conversation last night at Walgreen's last night that made me start thinking about this....
There are few things that just make my skin crawl the way that the thought of lice and pink eye do. I think that because they are both SO contagious is what makes me freak out whenever I think about it. I have had the pleasure, on more than one occasion, to have pink eye and it is terrible. I was constantly paranoid about touching my eye and then touching something else for the fear of spreading it, I Lysoled everything that would stand still (and sometimes even The Kid and The Husband got it too!) I washed load after load of sheets and towels and clothes just in case I touched any of them. I got a little carried away! That brings me to lice...I am knocking on wood the entire time I am writing this, but my daughter has never had lice. With her thick, extremely curly hair I truly feel bad for her if she ever gets it because I think that I might just have to shave her head. I have pounded it in her from her first day of school to never ever ever put on someone elses hat or use their brush or hair pretties because of my fear of this. So to the poor mom at Walgreen's last night buying lice shampoo.....good luck!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March Madness

Bring on the basketball! I do not regularly watch college basketball except for when my husband makes me, and even then I usually nap through it (the exception to that is Illinois basketball, of course). But when bracket time rolls around I just can't help myself. I think it comes more from my love of competing and gambling than actually watching the games! So with brackets done and ready let the games begin!! My hubby thought of a great idea last night to get The Kid involved...we are each going to do a bracket and whoever has the winningest bracket at that end will get to plan a family fun night. I thought this was such a great idea and The Kid is over the top excited!!

I am also very excited to report that I am just 2 little pounds shy of the big two-five mark!! So I am working out extra hard this week with hopes to hit it by Monday!

Thursday, March 12, 2009


I am a worry-wart. I worry about almost everything and it is one of the things that I dislike the most about myself. The economy right now worries me, while I feel secure (mostly) in my job there are hundreds of people each day that are losing theirs. And today I found out that my husband could in a few short months lose his. While, like most people right now, we are pinching pennies and being careful about what we spend at what point does it end. I worry about how much worse the economic situation can get before people can catch a break. My heart breaks for the people losing their jobs, their homes. I am tired of turning on the news and hearing nothing but bad news...after a while it just wears you down. I think that's where I am now...just worn out. I am almost too tired to worry.

On an upside I am very excited to be having all of our close friends over on Saturday night to celebrate with some very dear friends the upcoming arrival of their baby boy. We have the greatest friends and family, for that I feel truly blessed.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why can I not be on vacation every week? This week so far has been nothing short of relaxing and wonderful. I guess if I was always on vacation I would not appreciate it nearly as much as I am now! I have enjoyed the most taking and picking up The Kid from school everyday...she is lovin it!! I spent an entire day doing nothing but reading, I need more days like that. However, I am not getting The Kid's room painted. I was just not mitovated to do it and am having a hard time trying to decide what to do and what colors to paint so I just deecided to wait, I have been putting it off for a year, what's another couple weeks ;) Today is being spent babysitting my sweet nephews, I am overjoyed because I wish I had more time to spend with them. I think we are going to go to the park.........