Every day when I pick up The Kid from school I always ask her about her day....what did you do, what did you learn, anything interesting happen, etc...etc...... She usually replies that her day was good, learned some things, and then proceeds to fill me in on all of the drama that accompanies the lives of 3rd graders. It is just unreal!! Yesterday the big drama of the day came on the Four Square court. Do you remember that game...it was one of my favorites to play during recess ;)
Well yesterday her teacher took them outside to play Four Square during the morning recess and her teacher got to be in the first square, or Ace as The Kid says it now called. She then proceeded to, in her very dramatic and slightly whiny voice, tell me how even when she got her teacher "out" she didn't leave and stayed in the first square..... "Mom that's just not fair, she is not even following the rules...what kind of example is she setting for us kids,huh?" I mean really how does one respond to that, she did after all have a valid point. I told her when she got to be the teacher she could do what she wanted to too.
I get absolutely the best stories from her....never ceases to make me giggle. Sure wish I got recess as an adult!
lol...she does make a good point! :)
I would have complained too.
She makes an excellent point! That is not a very good example at all!
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