While attempting to take down our storm windows and put up our screens my darling hubby sliced his hand open after one of the windows broke. And of course it was one in The Kid's room. So after one lovely Saturday afternoon at the ER, stitches, and a tetanus shot we got to go home and clean up the glass that was all over. Luckily he was ok and his now chief complaint is how sore his arm is from the shot!
I took my car in for service on Monday only to find out that some fans needed replacing and after all was said and done would cost around $2K....not exactly what I wanted to hear as it is a leased car and we are turning it in in a little over 2 months. So....we opted to buy a new car!! Yipee for me! Although it is not my dream car (my BMW will have to wait for me for a couple more years!) I am very excited!
Who watched the Biggest Loser this week??? Ron is just straight pissing me off. Early on him and Mike were one of my favs. I was so mad at the fact that he sat their and lied to Bob; kudos to Bob for not buying a word of what he was saying!! I wish i had a Bob and Jillian with me all the time to motivate my lazy butt! I am hoping to be able to watch RHNYC tonight so i will be up to speed tomorrow.
Oh no!! Hope the hubby's hand is okay. Owie.
And yeah, Ron scares the crap out of me. I love Mike, though. I am really rooting for Tara to win, because Mike thinks it is just a given at this point. Tara has come so far!! I had forgotten just how huge she was until this week's recap of the first episode!
Aw, your hubs is my tetanus shot buddy! Hope he feels better soon!
ps. appropriately, the word verification for this is "gympoid" LOL!
eeks, hope everything is ok.
On a positive note, just found your blog and love it!!!
new follower :)
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